Five Common Misconceptions About Background Checks

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Background checks can be a lot of things. They can be confusing, they can be overlooked, and they can be more harmful than good in some cases. The time when a background check is harmful is when there are misconceptions. When doing background checks on your employees, your volunteers, or even yourself, it’s important to know some key things prior to beginning the process.

In this article, we will address five common misconceptions about background checks. This will not only help you know what to look for, but also to help you realize the importance of working with a quality background check partner.

Misconception #1: Every Background Check is Equal

This seems to be something that we hear a lot from prospective clients, which causes them to shop around for the cheapest prices. The fact of the matter is that a lot of different aspects can go into a background check. A lot of jobs require certain searches or time frames as well, so not every background check can sufficiently cover every need.

This misconception can do more harm than good because it’s likely that the cheapest background check will be used. This is often an instant search that can hardly be considered a background check. Instant searches don’t go in depth because they only utilize single source databases that often have unreliable data. This can result in a hire of someone that could potentially have a criminal record that the cheap search missed.

Misconception #2: You Can Find All Background Check Information Online

Some people think if they take the time, they can conduct their own background check on prospective employees, volunteers, etc. by using only online sources. Conducting a background check in this manner not only doesn’t provide you with good information, but it can also open you or your company to other risks. 

If you made a hiring decision based on what you found online, there could be some FCRA regulations that you did not comply with.

Misconception #3: All Background Screening Companies Do the Same Thing

Although there are FCRA guidelines in place, not every background check company does things the right way. Oftentimes, if one company is drastically cheaper than the others, it’s likely you will get what you are paying for. 

It’s important to realize that all companies are different, and just like the background checks themselves, they are not the same everywhere.
Misconception #4: Employers are Looking for a Reason to Not Hire You

Employers conduct background checks for many reasons, but one of them is to not find a reason to not hire you. Many people think that background checks are made to “get them” or find something to disqualify them from something. Instead employers conduct background checks as a precaution, to fulfill the FCRA guidelines, and to just keep their company and employees as safe as possible. 

They are not wanting to find criminal information, and they aren’t doing it to find a reason to not hire you. If you are at the background screening phase of the process, it’s likely that they have already chosen you and this is the last step.

Misconception #5: Applicants Can’t Dispute the Findings of their Background Check

Sometimes, applicants feel like what was reported on their background check isn’t the truth. Maybe they have a very common name and there was a mistake made. Mistakes can happen, and errors can be made. 

Under law, applicants are allowed to receive a copy of their background check and can dispute the results with the CRA. It is against the law for an employer to not allow an applicant to do this.

Background checks are vital for all types of organizations. They can help save your company from tremendous amounts of liability. However, with these misconceptions, they can end up being more harmful than good.

If you would like to learn more about background checks and how SafeHiring Solutions can help, please feel free to contact us.


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