Keeping the Church A Safe Refuge in Good Times and Bad


By Don Keehner
Director of SafeMinsistry Solutions

I believe it would be an understatement to say that 2020 has been a year like no other.  Though we have lived through good times and bad, and experienced trials and difficulties in various seasons of our lives, for most of us, this year has brought circumstances that caught us unaware and has left us with a deep level of uncertainty regarding things to come.

Yet, amid uncertainty, some things do stay constant. As a former pastor for 30 years, I can say confidently that God’s purpose, will, and sovereignty are a firm and stable “constancy” when everything else in life seems unstable.  And in the same way, the church – God’s vessel on Earth – is anchored in their purpose and their mission no matter the difficult circumstances that come their way.

I’ve watched how my church and those across the nation have risen to the challenge of “doing church” with the Covid-19 pandemic.  Streaming services and getting creative on how to keep the congregation connected has been at the top of the list of concerns for pastors and church leadership in these trying times.  And whether governing bodies in local communities or states consider the church to be “essential” or not, the reality is that we know, here at SafeMinistry Solutions, that the church is not only “essential” but a place of refuge for all who enter their doors or connect via online portals like Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, or streaming services.

Unfortunately, one of the other things that is constant when things are in upheaval, is the propensity for human beings to do bad things and hurt people.  Churches have long been a place of refuge – a safe space from the troubles and crime that pervade the culture. Everyone accepted that there was a line drawn between the sacred and the secular. Yet, increasingly, that line has been crossed.

And now, sadly, sexual crime and violence have entered the doors and the online spaces of churches and ministries. In many ways, ministry leadership is not prepared or equipped to handle the difficult situations that can or have arisen – such as domestic abuse, sexual grooming that leads to molestation and abuse, and violence (including an active shooter). 

That’s why, after 30 years of serving the Lord as a pastor, I felt called to serve in a new way – helping keep the church a safe space for all who enter its doors (in-person and online), including the staff and pastorate. 

When my good friend and CEO of Safe Hiring Solutions, Mike McCarty, told me about his need for someone to head up his affiliate company, SafeMinistry Solutions, I knew that was where I belonged.

For more than 16 years, Mike’s company, Safe Hiring Solutions, has been trusted by national organizations and local non-profits alike because of their experience, integrity, and their notably comprehensive, industry-leading, real-time security solutions that simplify background checks, quickly screen visitors and volunteers, connect clients, proactively assess threats, and provide live training to empower people.

As Director of SafeMinistry Solutions, a Safe Hiring Solutions company, our primary mission is to keep your church, your congregation, and your ministry SAFE so that YOUR God-given mission can flourish and continue to impact your community, the nation, and the world.  

Without a doubt, it is our sole purpose to provide the highest level of services, education, training, and customer care that results in a 360-degree solution for the safety and security of your congregation and your called ministry.  And this thorough program is offered at a much more reasonable cost than most churches are currently paying for with far less quality and services.  Our 360-degree solution includes: 

Background Checks

It’s always astonishing to me to see how too many churches have been sold an inadequate background check system that barely taps into a person’s history.  Most of these products are a single-source system that does not tap into a person’s entire background.  Our background checks are not only multi-layered and thorough, but they are also usually far less in costs as well.

• Multi-layered Approach

• Quality Assurance Checked


One thing the pandemic has brought to the forefront is the use of online technology not only for schools, but for ministries as well.  Though this technology is phenomenal in keeping churches on mission, it also has the propensity to be used in ways that can be harmful to kids and youth, especially.  It’s important that the church keep their online formats safe and we have a program to help you do that.

• Physical and Digital Security

• Management of Virtual Environments

Virtual Security Assessment

• Former Law Enforcement, Secret Service, and FBI

• Safety and Security Climate Survey

Safe Visitor Management System

• Visitor Check-in

• Geo-Fence and Mobile App

• Sex-Offender and Excluded Parties Check

Children’s Safety Policies

Background checks protect the whole church, however when used under the lens of a staff person overseeing children and youth, our 360 solution really helps raise the bar in protecting both the church and kids from harm.  We know 90% of abuse occurs in isolation, so our 360 approach makes sure no child is left alone with an adult or older youth while enrolled in your ministry.  Removing isolation keeps kids safe.

• Model Policies

• Five-Step Volunteer Onboarding

Continuous Learning Hub

At both Safe Hiring and Safe Ministry Solutions, we put a great emphasis on educating our clients and the public. We have gathered top experts in the field of sexual abuse prevention to design and lead this vital training for organizations that serve children.   Our training allows staff and volunteers to understand they are a critical part of the ministry’s defense against abuse.

• Online / On-Demand Video Volunteer Training

• National Experts

Arrest Alert

• Integrated with 93% of Jails in the U.S.

• Real-Time Alert


A main area of protection that we see churches under-performing in is reference checks.  There is a need for church leadership to get past accepting their volunteer’s two best friends.  To truly get a more accurate picture of a volunteer candidate, a church needs to get references at two organizational levels.  Also, ask direct questions of references about the candidate’s ability serving with children. If the reference offers any hesitancies about the candidate serving with children or youth please consider that a very real red flag.  By combining quality background checks with an accurate 5-point vetting process of references, you are protecting the children you are serving and protecting the church from negligence.  

• Automated SMS / Email Reference Checks

• Colored Graph Reports

SHS Volunteer Management System

As a pastor, I know how important volunteers are in helping the ministry run!  And let’s face it, we often look to get volunteers as quickly as we can.  Yet, safety dictates not only a thorough vetting system, but also the need to onboard new volunteers very slowly.  In fact, churches / ministries should have a 4-6 month waiting policy.  If a volunteer does not want to wait or becomes vocal about waiting, it may be a sign that they should not be serving.  No matter the need, we encourage you to slow down the onboarding process and thoroughly vet and get to know the volunteer that is signing up.  It’s far better to do your homework upfront and WAIT then be hasty and regret it later – especially if the result comes by way of harming a child, youth, or any other person in your church.

• Customized Application

• Virtual Training and Onboarding

It is imperative that today’s churches and ministries are educated, prepared, trained, and equipped to handle the challenges of today’s culture that do not always stop at the doors of the sacred.  That’s why SafeMinistry Solutions exists and that’s why, as a former pastor, I am dedicated to keeping churches a place of refuge for all who seek the constancy of God’s love and peace in an uncertain world.

For more information go to


ArrestAlert: A Continuous Background Check


Five Common Misconceptions About Background Checks