SafeSchool Advisory Board
Advisory Board
Superintendent of Carmel Clay Schools
Dr. Beresford has 35 years of experience and leadership in public education. For the past 25 years, he has overseen various aspects of the daily operations at Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Indiana’s fourth largest school district, comprising of nearly 22,000 students and 2,500 employees. His duties have also included leading student, parent and staff services; developing school safety initiatives; developing mental health initiatives; and facilitating teacher recruitment and talent development. He began his public education as a high school English and journalism teacher, serving as a school counselor, director of school counseling, assistant principal, principal and most recently, assistant superintendent of staff and student services at Hamilton Southeastern Schools. Dr. Beresford earned his Bachelor of Arts from Eastern Illinois University in English and Journalism, his Master of Science in School Counseling from Butler University, and his Doctor of Education in Educational Administration from Ball State University.
M.S.D. of Wayne Township Superintendent
Dr. Jeff Butts is a graduate of Millikin University (BS), Illinois State University (MS), and Purdue University (PhD). He began his career as a public educator in 1992 in central Illinois. Dr. Butts became the fifth superintendent of schools in the history of the M.S.D. of Wayne Township on January 1, 2011, after serving in various roles in education for 26 years. He is the recipient of many awards including the 2019 IAPSS Indiana Superintendent of the Year; District V Principal of the Year from the Indiana Association of School Principals; Administrator of the Year from the Indiana High School Press Association; the Indiana Council for Exceptional Children Advocate of the Year; and many other honors.
Dr. Butts holds leadership positions as the past president for the Indiana Association of Public-School Superintendents, past board chair with the Hendricks Regional Health YMCA, president of the Indiana Partnershare, and past president for the Indiana Urban Schools Association. He was selected to serve on the transition team for Dr. Jennifer McCormick, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction and remains active on several advisory committees with the Indiana Department of Education.
Dr. Butts’ wife, Tammy, is a lead teacher for the M.S.D. of Wayne Township’s volunteer literacy mentoring program, HOSTS. They are proud grandparents to Loela, daughter of Collin and Kassie Butts. A little-known fact about Dr. Butts is he is a fourth generation Standardbred horse trainer.
Superintendent of Vincennes Schools
Mr. Greg Parsley is in his 20th year of education. His career started with teaching Economics at Roncalli High School, after which he moved to the Tippecanoe School Corporation where he taught Government, and shortly thereafter, began his career in education administration. Mr. Parsley’s education career includes serving as athletic director at Rensselaer Central, principal at both Bloomfield Jr/Sr High School and Vincennes Lincoln High School. During the 2010-11 school year, he moved from the position of high school principal at Vincennes Lincoln to the assistant superintendent, and with the 2012-2013 school year, assumed the responsibility of superintendent.
Mr. Parsley has been involved in many professional capacities and this includes serving as president of the Vincennes Rotary, Board of Trustees for Vincennes University, Board member to KCARC, Vice-President of the Hoosier Heartland School Trust, former Executive Board member to the Southern Indiana Education Service Center, Board member to Knox County Special Education Cooperative, YMCA Board Member, Board Member to the Knox County Development Corporation, Board Member to the Knox County Community Foundation and member of the Vincennes Redevelopment Commission.
Mr. Parsley has served his church in the role of moderator, Elder Chair, Search Team member, and is presently the chair of Stewardship. As a 13-year season ticket holder, he is an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan. Mr. Parsley is married to Stephanie and with this, he gets the opportunity to share in the lives of Daelyn, Ainsley and Bayden.
Director Of HR and Compliance, Hobart Schools
Jonathan Mock currently serves as the Director of Human Resources and Compliance for the School City of Hobart. He provides progressive leadership in the advancement of the district’s operations. Jon is actively engaged in promoting the School City of Hobart to attract quality individuals to join in the mission of serving and educating children. Jon is a Certified Professional Human Capital Leader in Education (pHCLE) through the American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA). He is also an active member of the Indiana Association of School Business Officials (IASBO) and the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). Jon graduated from Valparaiso University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Accounting.
Director, HR, MSD of Franklin Township Schools
Jill Britt has worked for Franklin Township Community School Corporation for twelve years as Human Resources Director. She began her career in Human Resources twenty-nine years ago in 1989 in the banking industry. She transitioned from banking to manufacturing and into the supply chain management industry before returning to manufacturing. Upon arriving at Franklin Township she worked to create efficiencies in the human resources department that assisted all levels of the district, including building level administrators. Ms. Britt leads the activities of all aspects of human resources from recruiting and hiring, benefits, labor relations, safety and a broad scope of other activities. As a school administrator, Ms. Britt has served as a partner with other district human resources professionals on discussing human resources as it relates to K-12 education. Ms. Britt graduated from Indiana University, Bloomington with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Sociology. She received her SPHR certification in 1996. She and her two teenage daughters live in Franklin Township where they attend Franklin Central High School. It is Ms. Britt’s mission to build a district culture that ensures all students are surrounded by staff members that assist in providing an outstanding environment of learning.
Superintendent of Plainfield Schools
Scott Olinger has been he Superintendent for the Plainfield School Corporation since 2008. With Bachelor's and Masters degrees from Butler University, most of Scott's teaching career took place in Central Indiana. In 2002, he was named Principal of Batesville High School. Before moving to Plainfield High School in 2005, Scott was named District 10 Principal of the Year.
Scott earned his Education Specialist degree from Indiana State University in 2005.
Plainfield stakeholders were asked for their input into the selection of the superintendent, and recommendations included someone who was a community-minded leader, focused on and committed to students. In addition, having a vision, being an excellent communicator, and an outstanding role model topped the list.
Scott and his wife, Heather, live in Plainfield where their three daughters have graduated from, or are attending, Plainfield schools.