Safe Hiring Solutions Blog
Do You Need Accurate Background Checks?
That seems like an odd question to ask. Can you imagine anyone saying that they are not interested in accurate background checks?
However, we speak with prospective clients every single day who are most interested in speed and cost. They would accept a fast and cheap background check regardless of the quality.
That is scary.
A lot of this is driven by a frantic world that believes that a comprehensive criminal record check can be completed instantly. Unfortunately, it cannot. Along with that, most of the background screening industry is more focused on profit than they are on safety and security. This just fuels that fire and causes people to think the instant checks are comprehensive.
SafeHiring Solutions has made it a point to not sacrifice quality for speed or being the cheapest provider in the background screening space. It would be very easy to give in and offer a low quality, cheap, and instant product. They are highly profitable and require very little labor.
But that is not who we are. We are a niche background screening firm that is one hundred percent committed to accurate background checks.
The world is requiring accuracy. Lawsuits against background screening firms and organizations are still prevalent. And the foundation for almost all of these lawsuits is “inaccurate” information.
Lazy background screening companies don’t want to take the time or spend the money to verify information and determine if the criminal record is your candidate or not.
With everything in our busy lives, we are in this constant limbo of needing things done as quickly as possible, but also as accurately as possible. Unfortunately, background checks are not something that can be rushed. They sometimes take time, and if you want them to be accurate, they can’t be instant.
It is critical for organizations to review their background screening process and make sure they are receiving accurate background checks. Anything less places your organization at significant legal risk.
Please contact us with any questions you may have about background checks.