Taking a 360° Approach to School Safety

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When you hear “school safety”, what do you think of? Do you think of background checks? Reference checks? Visitor management systems? Threat assessments? Or even in today’s world, COVID screening? Chances are, some of these, if not all, have crossed your mind when considering what you need to be doing to keep your school safe. But how do you know where to begin? What provider do you need to use for each of them? How can you get all of your school safety systems in one place? This is where finding a provider who focuses on taking a 360° approach to school safety comes into play.

Similar to grocery shopping, it’s easier and more efficient to get as many items as you need at one store. Having to visit multiple stores for different types of products is annoying and takes up too much time. One-stop-shops, like a supermarket, make life easier for everyone. This is exactly what SafeHiring Solutions is striving to be: a one-stop-shop. The only difference is that we focus on security rather than peanut butter and toilet paper.

Here is a list of our services that can all be integrated together to offer a 360° approach to school safety:

  • Background Checks: Any type of background check you may need, whether that be for an employee, a volunteer, a vendor, etc.; we can do that for you. 

  • ArrestAlert: With a real-time integration to 90% of the jails across the United States, ArrestAlert syncs your employee, volunteer, or vendor list with a live jail management system. If anyone on your list is arrested, you will receive a real-time alert as soon as they are booked. As an example, if one of your bus driver’s is arrested for a DUI on Friday night, you are notified right away. This way you can make sure they aren't driving your bus first thing Monday morning. 

  • SafeVisitor Solutions: This is our visitor management system. SafeVisitor allows for visitors to scan in with their state issued ID and checks them against the National Sex Offender Registry. If the visitor’s record is clean, then a visitor badge will be printed for them. As we will touch on in the next few points, SafeVisitor does a lot more than just visitor management, and I recommend you taking a look at the link above to learn more.

  • SafeVolunteer: SafeVolunteer is a background check management system that lives within SafeVisitor. With SafeVolunteer, you will be able to view all of your volunteer background checks in SafeVisitor. The system can automatically approve background checks (if no adverse information), so then you will only have to touch the background checks that need review. Additionally, with SafeVolunteer, you can set up automatic renewals for the background checks. When the renewal time comes up, the system will send a new background check to the volunteer to initiate their renewal. This can also work for your employees as well. 

  • SafeVendor: SafeVisitor integrates with SafeHiring Solutions to conduct comprehensive national vendor background checks. Certified vendors receive a Mobile App with a SafeVendor e-ID. Being SafeVendor Certified allows vendors to scan into any facility using SafeVisitor. Certified Vendors can also share a public access link to SafeVendor to clients NOT using SafeVisitor so they can verify a contractor's ID including photo and details of what is included in the background check and when it expires.

  • Student Information System Integrations: SafeVisitor has a universal student information system integration. It can integrate with any SIS. Capabilities of the integration allow for late student arrival check in and early pick up. This ensures that a child is leaving with an approved guardian, and it will log exactly who picked up the student and when the pick up occurred. The link above is an example of our Skyward integration.

  • RefLynk: RefLynk offers automated reference checks via SMS text message and email. RefLynk is completely candidate-driven, so it takes the manual labor off of your school and your HR team. Because RefLynk uses text messaging and emailing, you no longer have to play phone tag with references. Instead, the references receive their surveys via text and email and can fill them out right then and there. 

  • Continuous Learning Hub: An application that provides documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs. With the need for E-Learning in today’s world, our continuous learning hub can assist with that too.

  • Mobile App: Our mobile app is used for fast pass badge storage. The badges are stored in the app, which allows for your high frequency visitors, like your volunteers, to be able to check in with a quicker process. Coming in mid September, the app will allow for medical pre-screening questions, virtual check in, and remote volunteer check in. 

  • Threat Intelligence Portal (coming soon): With our team made up of former law enforcement, Secret Service, and members of the FBI, we can help keep your school safe by offering virtual security assessments. This will be a software that allows you to utilize a safety and security climate survey to get a better understanding of what you are doing well, and what you need to work on to strengthen your school safety.

Of course, you can choose to use all, some, or only one of these services. You can build your security platform to be as comprehensive as you wish. We just want to be able to offer you as many options as we possibly can, with the ability to have every bit of security your organization needs through one company. This allows you to have one support channel, one point of contact, and a full encompassing system that can be fully integrated.

If you would like to learn more about any or all of our services, please feel free to contact us at sales@safehiringsolutions.com or give us a call at (866) 434-0002.

Additionally, you can register for a free demo of SafeVisitor Solutions here.


School Volunteer Background Checks Keeping You Up At Night?


A Misconception That Reference Checks Are Pointless or Outdated