A Misconception That Reference Checks Are Pointless or Outdated

A common misconception regarding reference checks today is that they are simply a necessary routine that has become somewhat pointless or even outdated.  They are seen as an unproductive waste of time for the administrative team who is tasked with trying to get someone on the phone to answer the required questions regarding a candidate's qualifications for employment with your company.

RefLynk is a solution-driven process that uses technology to expedite this endeavor.  It is a ‘smarter’, simplified, and more effective solution to your specific reference-checking needs. It is a completely automated process that is predicated on by candidate-provided information.  Using this automated reference checking service, your administrative team's time is able to be directed to areas that are more pressing in their need for attention.  

Because they can be designed with the specific requirements of your employment needs, automated reference checks are quickly becoming a necessary, and critical, step for any thorough hiring process. Open-ended questions can be designed so that potential employers are able to ascertain how the candidate interacts with others at the workplace or how they perform under pressure. Such questions tend to elicit more detailed information from the respondents. Questions that can traditionally be seen as "outside the box" can also be formulated. Specifically, questions that would ask for a rating of a candidate's social skills, their productivity level, or perhaps even their ability to be self-motivated or conscientious can be included. These can work hand-in-hand with the more typical reference-check questions in order to provide a more detailed assessment of a candidate's suitability to your specific job needs or company environment.

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RefLynk also has the capability to provide specialized feedback options once your responses have been received to provide you with an easily interpreted analysis of the responses.

Realizing the potential of a fully automated reference check process can change your hiring practices. Perhaps you have not been asking the right questions when it comes to character reference checks and you've had less than satisfactory results in the past.

When putting together a list of questions to ask the required references, you need to make sure you are asking questions that provide a complete competency summary of the candidate.  You want to make sure you address areas of their character, their performance, and their adaptability.  Each open-ended question should allow the person providing the reference to be as open and honest in their responses as they wish. 

RefLynk is a solution that reaches out to identified references via SMS text message and email. This solution allows the references to be able to spend some time in reflection before submitting their answers.  They don’t have to feel intimidated or pressured by the presence of someone on the other end of the line who is anxiously waiting for quick responses so they can move on to another reference check call. The potential for allowing reflection time for the respondent also enables them to be more transparent and comfortable with their responses. It also means that potential employers can benefit from having responses that are more thoughtful rather than impulsive. Thoughtful, considered responses give the most fair and accurate picture of the candidates.

When reference checks are done accurately, they can become a more vital and valuable part of the hiring process. They can provide the most accurate information you need to make the right hiring decision.  

If you are interested in acquiring more information about RefLynk and our automated reference checking solution, please feel free to contact us.  

RefLynk (866) 867-2910

You can email us at info@reflynk.com.


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