Threat Assesment
decades of experience in law enforcement
Threat Assessment Experts
Our focus is on prevention first, then preparation for an event and crisis management because we understand seconds matter.
We are committed to prevention of violence and have brought together experts who have developed national programs on violence prevention, served on presidential security details, have been inserted into hostile war zones to penetrate enemy security protocols and have led security operations in churches, schools and corporations.
Our threat assessment experts have decades of experience in law enforcement with:
Large Metropolitan Police Departments
State Police
Secret Service
Navy Seal Teams
National Security Agency
Church Security
Corporate Security
Security Consulting Services
Our Security Consulting Service is the first step in implementing a security plan. A security assessment can uncover vulnerabilities and assist your security team in creating a roadmap. Our assessments are not just a written report. We include a training program that can be onsite or completed as a live online webinar.
Security Team Development
Active Shooter for Civilians Training
Church SecurityCamp
Onsite Vulnerability Assessment
Virtual Vulnerability Assessment
Threat Assessment
Active Shooter Response for Civilians
We are committed to prevention of violence.
We are committed to prevention of violence and have brought together experts who have developed national programs on violence prevention, served on presidential security details, have been inserted into hostile war zones to penetrate enemy security protocols and have lead security operations in churches, schools and corporations.
Our threat assessment experts have more than 100 years combined law enforcement experience with large Metropolitan Police Departments, U.S. Secret Service, FBI, state police as well as U.S. Navy Seals, school security and corporate security.Active Shooter Response for Civilians
If you are engaging an active shooter within your building, then you have already lost. The majority of active shooter training and consulting in the U.S. is focused on reacting to an active shooter. In the immediate aftermath of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting in Florida, the conversation from the media, law enforcement to policymakers shifted to:
Arming teachers
Teaching students how to disarm active shooters
Multi-million dollar projects to barricade schools
Bullet-proof backpacks
There was little discussion about all the signs, threats and behaviors that existed with the shooter prior to the incident or how many law enforcement agencies did not connect the dots with this shooter.
Security Does NOT Start at Our Front Door
We refuse to cede the safety of our children to an active shooter and hope that a barricaded building will hold until police arrive. Instead we focus on prevention first and understand that we have to expand your organization's safe zone and create an outer, middle and inner perimeter.
Violence Prevention Models Work
In 1994, Mike McCarty, our CEO, was part of a team of detectives that developed and implemented the largest domestic violence investigative unit in the U.S. for the Nashville, TN Metro Police Department. Even at that time, leading violence prevention experts claimed you could not prevent murder.
25 men, women and children were killed annually by a family/ household member
Less than 50% of victims reported violence to the police
Dedicated 33 detectives, 2 prosecutors, 4 counselors and involved community partners
Number of domestic murders dropped by more than 50%
Law enforcement trained to recognize early signs/ behaviors and intervene
Accountability for perpetrators
Drug/Alcohol Programs
We focus on active shooter prevention first. Although there is not a single profile of an active shooter, there are many, many predictable behaviors:
85% of school shootings involve threats, signs, and/or behaviors prior to the shooting.
54% of mass shootings in the U.S. are related to domestic violence.
Develop Threat Assessment/ Security Team
Building Coordinated Team
Recognizing Threats/ Lethality Indicators
Analyzing Data
Phase 1: Security Vulnerability Assessment
Onsite Security Assessment
Assessment of Building Projects
Security Policy Review
Written Report/ Recommendations
Phase 2: Admin Training & Policy Development
Understanding Predictable Behaviors
Active Shooter for Civilians
Expanding Organizational Safe Zone
Developing & Implementing Policy
Defining Roadmap
Phase 3: Employee Training
Understanding Predictable Behaviors
Active Shooter for Civilians
Expanding Organizational Safe Zone
Understanding Security Policy