What is the Point of Conducting a Reference Check After Interview?

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The most obvious purpose for conducting reference checks after interview, allows for a potential employer to primarily validate the candidate's skill level. There are other types of information that can be gathered that will allow a prospective employer insight into the candidate's character, talents, behaviors, and problem-solving skills, as well as any other attributes that the candidate may or may not have mentioned.  Conducting reference checks after an interview allows you to establish the level of honesty and sincerity that was exhibited during the interview process.   All of these benefits allow you to better ascertain how the candidate performed in a previous job's responsibilities. Knowledge of past job performances will help when interviewing potential employees to determine whether there is a suitable match between the candidate's abilities and the future employer's anticipated expectations.

There are many useful questions to ask when conducting a reference check after an interview, and our team at RefLynk is happy to help you customize a list of questions specific for the position you are hoping to fill.

Here is a sample list of questions you can possibly ask references and past employers:

  1. How long have you been the candidate's manager?

  2. What were the easiest, and the most challenging, experiences you encountered while managing the candidate?

  3. In what areas did the candidate's work performance improve or grow while under your management?

  4. If you could hire this candidate again, would you?  Why or why not?

  5. How did the candidate handle challenges put before them?

You are looking for open-ended questions that, when answered, will reveal how the candidate worked under pressure.  Do they go above and beyond what is expected, or do they only just perform their required duties? Each question can elicit the type of information needed to decide if this candidate is a good fit for your company and the position you are looking to fill. Again, a post-interview reference check allows you the opportunity to validate their honesty, integrity, and sincerity exhibited during the interview while verifying whether or not the candidate has a skill set that is appropriate for the position.

Combining these reference check questions with a comprehensive background check through Safe Hiring Solutions  will provide a total process that will bring the best possible resolution to a successful hiring process.  

If you are interested in acquiring more information about RefLynk and our automated reference checking solution, please feel free to contact us.  

RefLynk (866) 867-2910

You can email us at info@reflynk.com


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