Training Evaluation Forms and Survey Solutions with RefLynk

Training Evaluation Forms and Survey Solutions with RefLynk.png

In a previous blog post, “Are Reference Checks Important?”, we were able to showcase how our character reference checking solution, RefLynk, helps in the hiring process. You were introduced to two qualified individuals. One had an excellent resume and the other had a good resume, but both did really well through the interview process. However, the deciding factor for this company was the results that came back from the character reference check that was completed on each individual.  

Once the company made the decision to move forward with the hiring process for Bob, they realized just how much of an asset he was becoming to the company's growth.  In his short time of being with the company he offered some really great suggestions to boost the morale of the company. He also addressed issues that challenged team members in their knowledge of the company, its products, and its procedures.

One of the suggestions implemented was cross-training in other departments. This would allow his team to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the various contributions that other teams contributed to servicing customers and their concerns as well as product development and future directions. Bob started to look at techniques to assess the cross-training experiences of his team. Was the company experiencing positive results from this new training approach? He remembered the character reference checking service, RefLynk, the company used during his hiring process and reached out to them to see if they offered solutions to assess the in-house training he was conducting with his team.

RefLynk immediately responded and demonstrated different training evaluation forms and survey solutions they readily have available. They have designed their survey solutions to accommodate either open-ended responses or questions with responses based on a likert scale. These formats allow them to facilitate any surveys Bob required. They worked together to customize the survey in a way that would reveal multiple insights into the effectiveness, or ineffectiveness, of the internal training and cross-training they were developing.  

This translated into a big win for the leadership team. They were able to assess how the training was being received by participants, what they were learning, and how the experience was impacting the company as well as all participating. They were able to ask direct questions to discover additional areas needing improvement. They were able to ascertain if the training proved beneficial or a waste of their time.  The leadership team was also able to use the data they received via the training evaluation forms and surveys to identify areas within the company that stand out to the employee and areas that were getting overlooked.  

One of the ten questions Bob had placed on the training evaluation survey was, “Do you have any suggestions to improve the course or training you received?”. He did not realize it at the time, but that became one of the favorite questions asked by each employee. They appreciated the opportunity to voice their thoughts, their visions, and provide feedback to their leadership team that even challenged the leadership team to think outside the box. The entire process increased a feeling of ownership and accountability among the participants that had an impact on the entire company. The increased knowledge of their interdependence on those outside their own departments increased their sense of a shared responsibility for improving the company processes, employee communications, and customer relations. RefLynk provided the proof that validated this entire process and, consequently, led the way for other team-building experiences.

If you are looking for a training evaluation form and survey solution, think of RefLynk!  

For more information about RefLynk and our comprehensive automated reference-checking solution, please feel free to contact us.  

RefLynk (866) 867-2910

You can email us at


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