Looking for Reference Checks During COVID-19?

Are you looking for a comprehensive, easy-to-use character reference check process during COVID-19?  Would you benefit from a time-saving, self-reporting solution for your school, church, organization, or corporation?  Are you hiring new employees and you need to assess the individual’s character prior to hiring them?  

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COVID-19 has caused many of us to stop and reassess how we handle our day-to-day visitors while maintaining staff safety.  So, whether you are motivated by a self-reporting solution or simply require a character reference check solution for potential new hires, the quickest and easiest way to be properly prepared is with RefLynk, a unique vetting service offered by the creators of SafeHiring Solutions.

Reflynk allows you to customize your reference checks and provide you a self-reporting solution that can be designed for your specific needs. RefLynk provides a customized survey solution that can help in this process by allowing you to provide a list of pre-screening questions prior to candidates coming onto your property.  

With RefLynk's self-reporting survey solution, you have the capability to ask specific questions of references that allow you to do your due diligence, monitor your visitors, and keep your staff safe at the same time. All of this can be accomplished without playing multiple rounds of frustrating phone tag. Your office will be able to take the time they are saving and apply it to other important tasks. At the same time, the questions you generate will provide a clear picture of a candidate's character and work habits before they even come in for a face-to-face interview.

Not only will your company be able to use RefLynk to verify a candidate's work history or character attributes, but RefLynk can help you address the health issues that are of paramount concern during the current outbreak of COVID-19. RefLynk can help you speedily simplify a pre-screening process. This will enable you to identify risk issues before you schedule workplace meetings. Not only will this pre-screening approach help in your hiring process, but it will also allow for your current workers to complete this screening, or one very similar to it, before arriving at work each day.

Here are just a few of the questions that you might consider asking.

  1. Have you had any contact with anyone that you know has been diagnosed with COVID-19?

  2. Have you had a positive COVID-19 test for active virus in the past 10-15 days?

  3. Have you been ill lately and if so, what have been the symptoms?

  4.  Are you caring for someone who is ill?

  5.  Do you live in, or have you visited, a place where COVID-19 is spreading?

A client can send this survey OR any customized character reference check out to an individual prior to a scheduled visit or prior to hiring the individual.  

RefLynk sends an email and a text message to the candidate and to their references asking the various individuals to complete the pre-screening survey or the character reference check.  Recipients will receive daily reminders until they have submitted their self-survey or reference check responses. Once the health survey or reference check has been completed, the client is then able to review the results before submitting them.

This is a time-saving solution that allows you to make informed decisions about the scheduling of on-site interviews and meetings with potential new hires.    

To learn more about the possibilities of this self-reporting solution or character reference checking solution, please contact us at sales@reflynk.com or you can give us a call at (866) 867-2910.


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