How to Save Money on Background Checks During COVID-19

How to Save Money on Background Checks During COVID 19.jpeg

Well, here we are, almost a year later and still feeling the effects of COVID-19. 2020 has been one of the most difficult years in recent history, and unfortunately, many people have been severely affected from this global pandemic. For some, it may feel like it will never end. Individuals and businesses across the world are doing what they can to save as much money as possible because they don’t know what can happen next. Some people have had to cut things completely out of their budgets, and they may be looking for cheaper alternatives for the necessities that can’t be cut out. One of these necessities for businesses is background checks

Background checks can help ensure a safe work environment. They not only prevent incidents from happening, but they also give your employees a peace of mind while coming to work. Safety is something that can’t be taken lightly, and it is also something you don’t want to cheap out on. If you do, you can easily get burned.

Something we often talk about with clients and prospective clients is the longevity of background checks. Unfortunately, background checks start losing their value the second they are completed. 

Think of it this way. Let’s say you have an employee named John, and he’s a delivery man for your company. John’s background check was completed on Friday morning. What if John gets arrested for a DUI on Friday night? Maybe it happened in another town, and you were unaware of the occurrence. Even though you have a brand new background check on file, he committed a crime afterwards, and you would have no idea until you have him do another background check.

In the past, the best way to combat this occurrence would be to order background checks as often as possible. Although you would love to be able to do background checks every six months, we know that isn’t feasible - especially during a pandemic when everyone is trying to save as many dollars as possible. 

This is where ArrestAlert comes into play. ArrestAlert is a tool that can be used to not only lengthen the life of a background check, but also keep your organization even safer than it already was. 

With a real-time integration in 93% of jails in the United States, ArrestAlert will notify you if any of your employees, volunteers, or anyone else in your organization gets arrested. So in the example of John, you would have been notified on Friday night that he was arrested for a DUI rather than finding out the next time you run a background check on him. 

Since you are constantly monitoring your staff and/or volunteers with ArrestAlert, you will then be able to go longer in between comprehensive background checks. Since ArrestAlert is very affordable, this will save your company money in the long run while taking even more safety precautions than you previously were doing.

If you want to learn more about ArrestAlert or background checks in general, please feel free to contact us.


Phone: (866) 434-0002


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Do You Need Accurate Background Checks?