Can I Do a Background Check on Myself?

According to a recent study, over 20% of database criminal history records contain errors and incorrect information. Name changes, similar names, and human error account for some of these errors. How are you supposed to know if the information on your criminal record is accurate before missing an opportunity? We at Safe Hiring have an answer for that. Our new “Run My Own Criminal History” feature offers the option to run your personal full, comprehensive background check.

For just $35 you can receive the exact information that a prospective employer or rental agent is going to see should they conduct a background check on you. As the amount of employers running background checks on candidates is approaching 90%, it only makes sense to ensure that they are viewing accurate information.

To take advantage of this new feature, simply:

  1. Go to “Order MyCrimHistory

  2. Fill out your personal information and pay $35 fee

  3. Wait 3-5 days for background check to be completed

  4. View your personal background check


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