

We believe education is a critical aspect of background screening. We routinely publish whitepapers to help you navigate the ever-changing use of consumer reports.

We live in an extremely transient and global society which makes it impossible to know our potential employees, volunteers, or tenants intimately.

So many criminal records are hidden behind closed doors or behind false identities on the internet.

Quality and comprehensive background checks are the first step in exposing unsuitable applicants during the hiring process. However, the most critical decision you make will be determining the best background screening firm to partner with.

Choosing a background check provider is a vital decision for your business, school, or church to make. Many background checks aren’t necessarily comprehensive. Many don’t even check anything other than databases. There are a lot of things to look out for and to consider. Check out the following whitepaper before choosing your new provider to make sure you are considering all of the important factors:

10 Things To Know Before You Select A Screening Firm (PDF)